An innovative power sparkles effect for fiber optic side lighting cables to provide power sparkles yet smooth and brightness through the entire length of the cables because of the advance Micro-diffusion technology has been introduced.
This new High-Tech method of Micro-diffusion technology has been patents world-wide included United States (US Patents No. 5,901,267,5, No. 7,142,753B2, No. 6,278,833B1, No. 7,186,011B2), Germany (Deutschland Patents NR. 297,134,11.6, NR. 20,2005,019,569.3, NR. 299,19,478.7), Japan (Japan Patents No. 3120529, No.3046654), Taiwan, China, Korea and other countries This practical and inspirational new lighting solution has overcomes a great many of the past frustration with fiber side lighting applications as various manufactures.
Its only FiberliteRSparklelights Systems providing clarity in neon-like manner creating breathtaking effects with dynamic colors and superior brightness that meets today's need and putting the field of fiber -lighting fast maturing in its own realm. A perfect lighting has finally arisen not just magical to some one and fascinating to the others.
Instead of high voltages neon or LED desings , installations you can use Fiberlite? Sparklelights cables.